Thursday, December 1, 2011


this stimulant causes hart failure and pretty much helps your heart stop.

Matthew- LSD
This drug is a tablet, and one of the key facts is that it cause hallucinations and you are not aware of your surroundings, can cause suicide.

Dennell- Mrijuana
this drug is used by many famous people use this and will influence other people to use or abuse this drug.

Gabriel- Meth
This is a sycopathic drug in the united states, it was used in the war to help the wounded, it has a lot of names.

Summer- ??????
Person may feel very dehydrated, I did not hear what this drug was called but i'm guessing that it is X

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Well slums are really bad, and society now a days is not doing anything to make it a way better place. Slums are just pretty dirty and filthy, it is full of disease and is not a place you would want to live in, many people have no choice but to adapt to this way of life. There is about 6 million people world wide that live in one, little kids have to suffer for this.:(

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


A  slum is an very overly populated area s in large cities.Slums are located all over the world,it is extreme poverty.  Slums make 31.6% of the world.These types of places affect human population ,because there are lots of diseases,poverty.and lack of education.Slums are very dirty places.
In slums there are a lot of diseases .”Acording to the UN,slum  children are more likely to die from water borne .“ Many  diseases are easily transmitted. People in slums have low immune systems which makes it easier for diseases to get transmited because of the low imunne system .Connecting to that there is lots of poverty ,which makes it harder for slum dwellers to buy medicine.
In slums there is lots of poverty. “hi hi hi you buy  for me some bread?” “are they sniffing glue?” These kids have no money to buy food. Instead of eating they sniff glue so they can sleep forget about there hunger,and their problems. However this has consequences such as damage in the nourvouse system,at the moment they can get severe head aches.
In slums  kids don’t get the education they deserve. “In countries including Egypt, Bangladesh,and Guatemala children are less likely to be enrolled in primary schools than their urban counterparts.” Kids don’t get enrolled to  school for many reasons. Some kids have to work or take care of their siblings.Another reason maybe that schools are to far away.
Slums are overly populated areas in large cities these areas affect human population  because of diseases ,poverty and lack of education . Manny people die because of diseases.There is also lots of poverty and lack of education. How will kids in slums succeed if there is no education,no food how will they learn. How will this end if there isn’t possibilities to be something other than a person earning about a dollar a day.